
round — Rounds a value to a specified precision that is the number of digits after the decimal point. precision can also be negative or zero


Minimum number of  arguments for this method is three.

Structure of the method:

round(value, precision, mode)


value — The value to be rounded

precision — number of digits after the decimal point

mode — mode parameter is specified by constants that define how to perform the round.

Values of mode

        ROUND_HALF_UP — Rounds the value up to precision away from zero.
        ROUND_HALF_DOWN — Round value down to precision towards zero.
        ROUND_HALF_EVEN — Round value to precision decimal places towards the nearest even value.  
        ROUND_HALF_ODD — Round value to precision decimal places towards the nearest odd value.


{{round(9.5, 0, 'ROUND_HALF_UP')}}

//Output: 10

{{round(9.5, 0, 'ROUND_HALF_DOWN')}}

//Output: 9

{{round(9.5, 0, 'ROUND_HALF_EVEN')}}

//Output: 10

{{round(9.5, 0, 'ROUND_HALF_ODD')}}

//Output: 9

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