
findCount — count records on a specific entity returns a total number as a result.


Minimum number of  arguments for this method is three. The first argument is the entity name and the other two are Field Alias – Field Values pair that will filter the result. If you will add more arguments, you will always have to add Field Alias – Field Values pairs.

In simple words this method says “Count lead with status equal to new” where lead is the entity, status is the field alias and new is the field value.

Structure of the method:

findCount('Entity Name', 'Field Alias', 'Field Value', 'Field alias', 'Field Value'......)


The first argument is always Entity Name like for example “lead” or “contact”. You can add as many pair arguments as you want.


Lets find all leads with status equal to Nurture and source equal Website or whatever sources you have set.

{% set total = findCount('lead', 'status', 'Nurture', 'source', 'Website') %}

//Output is the number of leads with status Nurture and source Website.
//If no lead meets condition total would be 0

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